Here’s how an atmospheric water generator might be useful to you.

Water is a luxury that many of us take for granted. We brew our coffee with it, stand under it for long hot showers, and buy it by the bottle when we’re feeling thirsty. For some, water isn’t nearly as accessible or affordable. Here at Aldelano, we realize the importance of this life saving liquid, and want to share it with the world.

With our Solar WaterMaker (an atmospheric water generator), you can create safe drinking water by harnessing the power of the sun. Through solar energy, our device captures moisture in the air, and transforms it into 50 gallons of water per day. That’s 189 litres of water!

So, why might somebody need one of our solar powered water generators? Take a look at some possible reasons you could use this unique equipment.

Live Off-Grid

Off-grid living is sometimes a result of inconvenient circumstances, but other times it is purely by choice. To escape the costs and politics of living on public utilities, many families choose to use alternative methods of energy and water collection.

Our portable atmospheric water generator units come fully assembled, with the solar panels stored neatly inside. Once these panels are placed on top of the container, you can create water from anywhere you choose. Our Solar ColdBox also helps with off-grid existence, by offering refrigeration and storage for produce, meat, and dairy.

Bring Water With You

Industries which require travel, such as the military, can use an atmospheric water generator to create water when resources run low. Setting up camp in a desert, or a region where there is little safe drinking water is much simpler when you have a device like ours to continuously supply hydration.

Cut Costs

One of the main reasons our clients choose the Aldelano Solar WaterMaker is because of the cost efficiency of the device. While the immediate cost may outweigh the price of purchasing portable water from a retailer at first, the overall value improves, and a net gain is seen within 5 years.

Another benefit of this method of water retrieval is no additional operating expenses, and because the atmospheric water generator is solar powered, there are no electric bills.

Emergency Situations

Finally, a major reason to implement an atmospheric water generator or solar cooler is for emergency and medical purposes. Having one of these units handy during recovery efforts can help source drinkable water for families, store supplies, medicine and blood, alongside other necessities.

Whether you are living in a remote area, or your job is taking you to a place where living conditions are less than favorable, we’ve got your back. Call us to speak to one of our knowledgeable staff about our atmospheric water generator today.