Developing Nations

Unintentional Poisonings in Developing Nations

The World Health Organization estimates that nearly 355,000 people die each year from unintentional poisonings. The Problem These deaths are the result of exposure to toxic chemicals as well as the inappropriate use of pesticides. In developing nations, these toxic chemicals are often secreted directly into the soil, air, and water from industrial processes. “The [...]

Emerging Issues in Developing Countries

Established problems and environmental factors are increasing long-term, critical concerns in developing countries. “The resulting impacts are estimated to cause about 25% of death and disease globally, reaching nearly 35% in regions such as sub-Saharan Africa.” – WHO Addressing the source of environmental hazards is vital for changing the course of health risks in poorer [...]

Solar Resources Can Change Education in Developing Nations

Children in developing nations are lagging behind their peers in developed countries. Without education, the fight against poverty cannot succeed. According to the World Bank, this learning crisis is widening social gaps instead of narrowing them. Young students who are already disadvantaged by poverty, conflict, gender or disability reach young adulthood without even the most [...]

Lack of Clean Water in Africa

The lack of availability to clean water in Africa is due to a combination of issues. Below we discuss ten contributing factors to this crisis and provide a potential solution for non-profits working in the region.   Government Controlled & Stolen Water Africa has roughly 54 recognized countries, many of which share bodies of water. Sharing [...]

Solar Micro-Grids for Developing Countries

Solar micro-grids have been popping up in developing countries from Africa to Bangladesh. Micro-grids allow a group of homes to connect to a field of solar panels. According to Forbes, micro-grids are popular because the spread the cost of solar power across the entire village. They are also partially funded by non-profits and social venture [...]

Solar Solutions for The Refugee Crisis

The refugee crisis in Europe is growing. The UN says in 2016, 5.2 million refugees and migrants arrived in Europe from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries due to war and persecution. According to The UN Refugee Agency, “More than 375,000 Rohingya refugees have arrived in Bangladesh in the last month alone.” The United Nations, [...]

Food Insecurity, Famine & Disease in Africa

According to the World Health Organization, over 20 million people are facing crisis or severe food insecurity in the Horn of Africa. Famine has been declared in South Sudan. Food security is a serious issue in Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia, Uganda and Yemen. When there is a severe lack of nutrition, the immune system is [...]

Unstable Power in Africa

Power generation capacity in sub-Sahara Africa is lower than any other region in the world. USAID estimates two out of three people lack access to electricity in sub-Sahara Africa. Though hydro power is considered one of Africa’s best energy sources, it is underutilized. Africa’s lack of grid infrastructure means few options for electricity, power outages [...]

Low Maintenance Tech for Developing Nations

NGOs in developing nations play a pivotal role in providing food, medical care, solar power and more to those most marginalized. Organizations in developing nations know first-hand that technologies claiming to solve major challenges often do not align well with the educational level or resources in poor communities. There is no shortage of exciting solutions [...]

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