For regions, like Gaza, that rely on fuel for electricity shortages can be life-threatening.
Currently, one hospital in Gaza has been forced to shut down and many more are at risk due to the Israeli authorities restricting the entry of fuel into the nation. The tightening on fuel imports and exports is reportedly in response to incendiary kites from Gaza into Israel.
The UN has reported that the World Health Organization’s Al Quds Hospital which serves around 150,000 people per year will be forced to shut down in the coming days. Four other hospitals will also run out of fuel in the next few days. Hospitals in the region have reduced diagnostic, sterilization and cleaning services, increasing the risk of infections amongst patients.

Nearly 2,000 patients are at high risk in Gaza’s hospitals as they rely on electrical devices, including neonates in incubators. The UN also reports that there is expected to be a reduced function of water and sanitation facilities, which creates risk of waterborne diseases and outbreaks.
Industrial-grade solar technology can save lives in politically charged nations. When vital resources and infrastructure are at risk, Aldelano Solar Solutions can provide support. From clean water produced by moisture in the air to robust solar power that can support a home or entire village, Aldelano Solar Solutions has resources.
The Aldelano Solar PowerPakTM can be equipped to meet the vast needs of a medical facility. Solar power ensures that hospitals have stable power when fuel is not available or the power grid is at risk. The Aldelano Solar WaterMakerTM provides fresh, clean drinking water from moisture in the air, reducing risk of waterborne illness. The Aldelano Solar ColdBoxTM offers cold storage for food, medicines, vaccines, and blood.
Over 1.27 million people will be affected by the hospital closures in Gaza. Medical facilities, governments and NGO’s can equip themselves with solar solutions that ensure public support during critical events such as restrictions on imports. An average of 950,000 liters of fuel is distributed by the UN each month to around 220 critical hospitals and health clinics; water and sewage treatment sites; and solid waste collection services. The deliveries ensure that a minimum level of life-saving services can be maintained in the midst of the dire electricity shortage.
Sustainable solutions are critical, as proven by Gaza’s current crisis. Solar powered equipment ensures patients are not at risk and communities have clean drinking water regardless of political climate or pressure on resources.