
Can Solar Technology Help End Poverty?

Significant progress to end poverty has been made since 2000. Countries within Eastern and Southeastern Asia are experiencing development and seeing poverty decrease. However, one in ten people still lives on less than US$1.90 a day, which is the internationally agreed poverty line. Nearly 42% of the population in Sub-Saharan Africa lives below the poverty [...]

Forgotten Crisis in Cameroon

Over a hundred thousand people in Cameroon are in need of life-saving assistance. Violence in western regions is the primary driver behind the increase of refugees seeking urgent aid form the Central African Republic. Nearly 437,000 people from Cameroon have been uprooted due to violence and insecurity. Also, the deteriorating situation in northeast Nigeria has [...]

Rural Areas in Latin America Slide into Poverty

Rural areas of Latin America and the Caribbean are sliding into poverty after years of economic growth. For the first time in many years, the regions are experiencing a historical reversal. The United Nations reported that this reversal affects nearly 59 million people. Roughly 41% of people living in extreme poverty within the region live [...]

Liberian LIYICC Founder Thoughts on Aldelano Solar Solutions

I am K.C and I worked in Liberia as a researcher. I am also the founder of a local youth organization called Liberian youth Initiative on Climate Change(LIYICC). For years, I have traveled throughout my country to almost a thousand remote villages and town conducting research about health strengthening, agriculture, and education. I have witnessed the suffering and [...]

Aldelano Solar Solutions Visits Senegal Fish Markets

In Senegal, a fishermen’s return on investment suffers due to the inability to keep the catch in cold storage. A day’s catch must be sold quickly or thrown away. Aldelano Solar Solutions had the pleasure of visiting a fish market in Senegal in November 2018 to explore possible solar cold-storage solutions that will spur economic [...]

Lake Chad Trees Keep Deadly Drought at Bay

Lake Chad in Africa originally reached from Chad to Nigeria, Cameroon, and Niger. Climate change and unsustainable water management have resulted in Lake Chad losing 90 percent of its surface area! The lake is a water source for millions of people in West Africa. The visible signs of climate change and excessive drought include cattle [...]

Climate Resilience & Peace for Africa’s Sahel

Ibrahim Thiaw, UN Special Advisor on the Sahel, says that the region is one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change.   The Sahel consists of 10 different countries and 300 million people. The territory is characterized by rampant insecurity and rising levels of human need. In 2018, nearly 4.9 million people have been [...]

Can Solar Solutions Assist Victims of California Wildfires?

The inferno that engulfed the foothills of Sierra Nevada has become one of the deadliest wildfires in California’s modern history. The fires spread from one of the wealthiest zip-codes in California to a low-income retirement community. Strong winds, no rain and low humidity have created key conditions for wildfires. Camp Fire 117,000 acres burned [...]

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